Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Love More, Worry Less

The journey to self-love is not without it’s bumps and challenges. We’re constantly bombarded by messages of not being smart enough, thin enough, young enough, or successful enough, which sometimes makes choosing self-love just plain hard. At times it feels like self-love is an act of rebellion.

The journey to self-love is not without it’s bumps and challenges. We’re constantly bombarded by messages of not being smart enough, thin enough, young enough, or successful enough, which sometimes makes choosing self-love just plain hard. At times it feels like self-love is an act of rebellion. Well, just call me a rebel because I choose to see myself as confident, capable, and oh yes beautiful and sexy. With so much pain, sorrow, and suffering in the world right now, it can seem misguided to show and share love to others. But one thing I know to be true is that compassion and forgiveness, of self and others, is the cornerstone of love. After all love is not a feeling, it’s an action, and one that must be practiced daily.

Why do we need to engage in daily and repeated acts of self-love? Because it will impact virtually every aspect of your life, including your health. Loving, accepting, appreciating, and caring for your spiritual, mental, and physical self will not only make you a happier person, it will enable you to make positive, healthy choices for your life (including how you treat your body and who you allow around your body). Self-love is dynamic and appreciative. ❤️

As we continue upon the path to love and self-love I embrace this mantra love more worry less. I truly hope we all can. In the meantime, here are 10 ways I’m choosing to finish the sentence on my shirt and I hope it provides insight for you on your journey. ❤️

1. Love more, worry less... about your wobbly bits (your arms, tummy, and thighs) because they allow for your mobility and you’re beautiful just the way you are.

2. Love more, worry less... about your age because you are blessed to see another year.

3. Love more, worry less... about where you are in your business or career because now is an opportunity to learn something that will benefit you as you progress.

4. Love more, worry less... about what others think because in the grand scheme it doesn’t really matter.

5. Love more, worry less... about going to the gym because as long as you move your body in some way, whether it’s walking, dancing, or running up and down your own stairs, be proud of your efforts.

6. Love more, worry less... about embarrassing yourself or when things don’t go as planned because life is about taking risks and trying new things. If you stumble and fall, no worries, have a good laugh, pick yourself up and try again.

7. Love more. worry less... about spending time with your friends. It’s nurturing and supportive to be in the company of great friends, but take advantage of your alone time to learn more about yourself, what you want out of life, and to cherish who you are.

8. Love more, worry less... about expecting something in return because the act of giving without expectation will make you happy.

9. Love more, worry less... about the past because there’s nothing you can do about it. Spend your time, focus, and attention on the day at hand.

10. Love more, worry less... about the ability to do everything you want to do right now because when it’s the right time (and meant to be) a better opportunity to travel, participate, engage, or attend will present itself again to you.

And in parting just remember:

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~Buddha

Live, laugh, love more worry less!
Jhoanne  ❤️

Via Carol Parker