Thursday, 24 January 2019

Tips for creating a functional home workspace

Maybe you’re tired of schlepping into the office every day. Or maybe, just maybe, you don’t love your micromanaging boss. In an effort to score some more work-life balance (and never have to set eyes on The Micromanager again), you’ve decided to ditch your office job in favor of flexible work — and freedom. But before you can be a productive home-based worker, you’ll need to set up a home office.

Whether you live in a luxurious condo or a cramped two-bedroom apartment, you can make any space work as a home office. Here’s how to create a home office space with both form and function in mind. 

Choose the best location and get equipped

Yes, you can work from any location (Starbucks, anyone?), but that doesn’t mean that you should. In order to work from home successfully, you’ll need to have a dedicated base from which to operate. An extra bedroom makes for an ideal office space, but if you don’t have a spare room, you’ll need to get creative with your surroundings. You can use a converted garage or attic if you want to have a completely separate space from the rest of your household.

In a tiny studio apartment? Clear out a closet and use that as your office hub, or section off a corner of your room with dividers to create an office nook. You can really use any space that you have to make a home office, but it should be an area that you dedicate only to work (your bed and your dining room table are not good options).

Once you’ve settled on a space, it’s time to get it ready for your remote job. Buy the best computer equipment your budget will allow for; after all, if you use older gear, there’s a good chance that it could break before you even get started. You’ll also need the fastest Internet connection possible in order to work more productively. This is so important that some employers require you to have a specific download speed, for example, 5 mbps, before they’ll let you work remotely.

There are a number of products to consider to maximize your offices functionality: wireless mouse and keyboard, dual monitors and even rechargeable batteries for those wireless devices.

Automate your office and find multipurpose products

If there’s something that can be automated in your home office, take advantage of it. Save yourself a few seconds and some brain clutter every morning by choosing multiple tabs to open automatically when you start your favorite Internet browser in the morning. Whether you use Chrome, Firefox, Safari or something else, check out the tools or settings, and set your browser to automatically open tabs to the sites you use first thing every day. Most people choose things like email and calendars.

Also, task your computer with reminding you to get up and move around. Home offices are notorious for encouraging you to sit down most of the day, but apps like Time Out for Mac and Workrave for PC give reminders to move, stretch and take breaks to help you avoid overwork.

When it comes to furnishing your office, you want it to be stylish, not sterile. So pick products that can do double-duty and allow your home office to match the rest of your home. Pretty vases can hold pens and pencils, and woven baskets can hold file folders. And if your home office is low on square footage, look to your walls for a solution by adding shelving to create more storage.

Find the view

Be sure to orient your desk in a direction that maximizes your daily enjoyment while keeping you productive. If your home office happens to look out onto picturesque scenery, facing the window may be your best bet. But if you’ll be distracted by a busy street or your neighbor’s apartment window, face your desk so you’re looking into your own office. You have much more control over what you’re staring at — and potentially distracted by — when you’re facing in rather than out.

If you simply must know what’s happening outside your home, consider using the free Nextdoor app to stay in touch with your neighbors without being distracted by them all day long.

Anticipate your distractions

For many at-home workers, the lure of an ever-present, well-stocked kitchen just down the hall is too much to resist. If you think you’ll be popping out of the office to find snacks too often, consider stocking a drawer in your desk with quick-fix food items. The less time you spend outside of your office, the more you’ll get done.

Another rule for many remote workers is to keep your office door shut — if you do have an office door, that is. Creating a physical barrier between you and the rest of your distracting home means you’ll have to think twice every time you want to leave your office space. As it turns out, that laundry, vacuuming, cookie baking and TV show marathon can wait.

Think of the easiest (and least expensive) solution first

Your home office exists so you can make money, not spend it. All sorts of little things can break or stop functioning the way they once did, but spending more money on your home office isn’t always the best approach. If you must buy something, check out second-hand shops and reuse stores before buying new.

Working from home can make you a happier, more productive professional — provided you set yourself up for success with a functional home office. Take time to set the stage for yourself and you’ll cross more things off your to-do list and find better work-life balance.

via : Mashable

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Love More, Worry Less

The journey to self-love is not without it’s bumps and challenges. We’re constantly bombarded by messages of not being smart enough, thin enough, young enough, or successful enough, which sometimes makes choosing self-love just plain hard. At times it feels like self-love is an act of rebellion.

The journey to self-love is not without it’s bumps and challenges. We’re constantly bombarded by messages of not being smart enough, thin enough, young enough, or successful enough, which sometimes makes choosing self-love just plain hard. At times it feels like self-love is an act of rebellion. Well, just call me a rebel because I choose to see myself as confident, capable, and oh yes beautiful and sexy. With so much pain, sorrow, and suffering in the world right now, it can seem misguided to show and share love to others. But one thing I know to be true is that compassion and forgiveness, of self and others, is the cornerstone of love. After all love is not a feeling, it’s an action, and one that must be practiced daily.

Why do we need to engage in daily and repeated acts of self-love? Because it will impact virtually every aspect of your life, including your health. Loving, accepting, appreciating, and caring for your spiritual, mental, and physical self will not only make you a happier person, it will enable you to make positive, healthy choices for your life (including how you treat your body and who you allow around your body). Self-love is dynamic and appreciative. ❤️

As we continue upon the path to love and self-love I embrace this mantra love more worry less. I truly hope we all can. In the meantime, here are 10 ways I’m choosing to finish the sentence on my shirt and I hope it provides insight for you on your journey. ❤️

1. Love more, worry less... about your wobbly bits (your arms, tummy, and thighs) because they allow for your mobility and you’re beautiful just the way you are.

2. Love more, worry less... about your age because you are blessed to see another year.

3. Love more, worry less... about where you are in your business or career because now is an opportunity to learn something that will benefit you as you progress.

4. Love more, worry less... about what others think because in the grand scheme it doesn’t really matter.

5. Love more, worry less... about going to the gym because as long as you move your body in some way, whether it’s walking, dancing, or running up and down your own stairs, be proud of your efforts.

6. Love more, worry less... about embarrassing yourself or when things don’t go as planned because life is about taking risks and trying new things. If you stumble and fall, no worries, have a good laugh, pick yourself up and try again.

7. Love more. worry less... about spending time with your friends. It’s nurturing and supportive to be in the company of great friends, but take advantage of your alone time to learn more about yourself, what you want out of life, and to cherish who you are.

8. Love more, worry less... about expecting something in return because the act of giving without expectation will make you happy.

9. Love more, worry less... about the past because there’s nothing you can do about it. Spend your time, focus, and attention on the day at hand.

10. Love more, worry less... about the ability to do everything you want to do right now because when it’s the right time (and meant to be) a better opportunity to travel, participate, engage, or attend will present itself again to you.

And in parting just remember:

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~Buddha

Live, laugh, love more worry less!
Jhoanne  ❤️

Via Carol Parker

Tuesday, 14 August 2018


Since it’s my b-day ( HEY FELLOW LEO'S!!! ) I figured I’d compile a little list of some of the most important things I’ve learned thus far..

Have you been looking for happiness? You probably don’t know there’re simple things you can do to be happy.

1. Stop comparing yourself to other people.
Many seemingly happy and successful people are burning themselves alive on the fire of their inner turmoil. So focus on you.

2. Socialize.
Even if you are an introvert, force yourself into social scenarios that give you the opportunity to meet people and form connections. These connections will put you back in touch with your humanity.

3. Make healthy decisions.
It is amazing how much exercise and good diet can change your outlook on the world around you. The negative thoughts in your head that seem so very real and pressing will melt away.

4. Do something different.
Stop wasting your time trying to find the “perfect hobby.” Pick anything – whether it’s fiber art or coffee tasting. Find something that you can put effort into, build competence, and see results.

5. Look less ahead. Look less behind.
Try to refocus yourself to the current moment more often. Start building memories instead of living in them.  Start creating your future instead of just hoping for a better one.  If you don’t do this, your life will become a fog that can stretch across your entire time on earth.

6. Let go.
Forgive those who hurt you. I’m sorry you were hurt but if you do not leave that hurt in the past, it will follow you like a wolf – forever casting a dangerous shadow over everything you do.

7. Worry more about the others.
Many times it is our own narcissism that destroys us. It seems counter-intuitive, but take some time each day to think about the needs of the other people in your life. Helping them meet those needs will make you happier in a way that you might not understand right now.

8. Stop running.
There is no such place as “away.” Travel as far as you want, but you will still find yourself waiting for you when you get there. Pull out your sword. It’s time to turn around and fight the dragons inside you.

via Lifehack

With Love,


Sunday, 12 August 2018

Easy gorgeous DIY gifts for your BFF

A good BFF — which for some of us is a tier, not a person — is hard to find, and when you have one, you know to hang onto them. The holidays are a great time to say thank you for the awesome friendship and let your friend see just how much you get them. It’s also a time of year when many of us are, ahem, flat out of money.

That’s where DIYs come in. The best DIY tutorials manage to take things you might already have or could acquire for very, very cheap and turn them into Anthropologie-inspired decor and jewelry items. Us frequently broke folk long ago figured out that DIYs are often the best way to marry our moneylessness with our exceptionally good taste. Plus, there’s something especially cool about knowing the next time they get compliments on whatever it is you hand them, they’ll have to give a shoutout to your DIY skills.

DIY no-knit cowl

DIY raw stone earrings

DIY picnic blanket

DIY triangle leather pouch

DIY body butter

DIY ice dye pillows

DIY pressed plant frame

DIY lip balm

DIY macrame planter

DIY tassel earrings

DIY statement wall hanging

DIY peppermint sugar scrub

DIY crystal necklace holder

DIY picture on wood

DIY flattened wine bottle

VIA: sheknows

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

5 Good Sources of Fiber if You Don’t Like Vegetables

Fiber is extremely important in our diet. Unlike most carbohydrates, fiber cannot be broken down by the body; instead, it passes through undigested to help keep hunger and blood sugar in check.

Health professionals claim that one way to achieve and maintain a healthy body is fueling it with high-fiber foods. The body needs at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber daily for a healthy diet.

But many people are not thrilled about this certain type of carbohydrate because it brings up images of unpalatable, unsavory vegetables, which are the some of the best and highly advertised high-fiber foods.

It’s a trend that we must face: more people are eating meat and ignoring their veggies. The good news is, when it comes to fiber, there are many good means other than your standard cabbage or broccoli.

While you can’t force yourself to like vegetables for your daily required fiber intake, you can always turn to this alternative, less-known sources:


We know that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” but most of us never really bothered to ask why. One reason is that an apple contains about 5 grams of fiber, including a special fiber called pectin. This type of fiber is soluble, meaning it forms a gel in your stomach, delaying the digestion and absorption of food. Basically, pectin makes you feel full for a longer period. If snacking on apple isn’t part of your daily routine, then better make it a habit starting today.


 If you’re serious about increasing your fiber intake, then air-popped popcorn is a good addition to your dietary list. Each cup of air-popped popcorn has high fiber content, calorie per calorie. But forget about adding butter, oil, cheese powder, sugar, salt, or any fatty additives, otherwise, you’ll compromise the healthy fiber/calorie ratio.


Oats have been highly promoted as one of the healthiest grain foods on the planet. Apart from being rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, they contain beta-glucan, a powerful soluble fiber that helps with cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Per 100 grams of raw oats, you get 10.6 grams of fiber.

Kamote (Sweet Potatoes)

Potatoes are nowhere near as health-packed as their sweeter counterpart – the underrated kamote. The extremely filling, sweet and delicious sweet potato, which doesn’t actually belong to the same vegetable family as white potatoes, contains plenty of fiber, B-vitamins, beta-carotene and various minerals. A medium-sized boiled kamote contains about 3.8 grams of fiber.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s a great trade-off between sugar-laden, high-fat chocolate and fiber-rich antioxidants.  Dark chocolate is one of the world’s most nutrient-dense foods with various health benefits. In a 1-ounce piece of dark chocolate, you will benefit from 3.1 grams of fiber. Just remember to go for dark chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa, or you could be buying its counterproductive sugar-filled alternative.


Monday, 11 June 2018

How To Cope When Your Partner Asks For Space

“I need space.”

It can be very hard to hear those three little words from your boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or partner. They are of course not the three little words you want to be hearing. For many people, this tiny phrase triggers fear and insecurity, for others defensiveness or sadness. It might even lead you to worry the end is near.
There is no right or wrong way to feel, but by being careful with your response and yourself, you can be assured to walk away (whether together or separately) with your head held high. So what should you do? Try the suggestions below and let us know how it works for you in the comments section.
1. Take them at face value.
Your partner is telling you they need something, so it’s time to listen carefully. They aren’t making a personal attack — they’re asking for something they need. Remember it’s not about you but them. Do your best not to interpret this and take it personally. It will help you keep a level head through this time.
2. Get clear.
Ask them what they mean when they say “space?” Do they need 30 minutes or three weeks? Do they want to break up? What does this mean for your monogamous or open relationship agreements? How will you alter your living arrangements (if at all)? Do they want to communicate via text, phone, email, or not at all? Discuss any upcoming plans you have already made — how does this change your plans? Is there anything they want from you during that time? Doing this will give you solace and answers that you need to feel more secure after those dreadful words are uttered.
3. Be clear.
It’s also important to be clear on your end of the conversation. How are you feeling? What do you want? Tell your partner what is going on for you in an honest, direct way. What do you want them to know before you begin your time apart? How do you want them to remember you while they take some space? Honesty is the best policy in this situation.
4. Stay grounded.
Stay in touch with your core and be the best self you can be. Stay true to your integrity through being honest, kind, strong, and respectful. Remember that even if this causes you worry or sadness, you will get through this and the behavior you choose when times are difficult will heavily impact the future course of your relationship. If you begin to feel flooded take a few deep breaths and stay focused. You can also return to the conversation later.
5. Respect their boundaries.
When they say they don’t want to text, don’t text. If they need two weeks, respect their request for two weeks. Don’t drive by their house late at night, or “accidentally” run into them at work. Set clear social media use parameters so you don’t punish yourself with Facebook. Make a plan on your own to connect with friends who support you in doing something else when you have a hard time not reaching out to your partner during their space-time. This may be hard but it will only help.
6. Take care of yourself.
Take advantage of the free time and energy to invest in your other relationships, friendships, family, work, and play. In moments when you are lonely, be especially kind to yourself, take a long run or a hot bath, call a friend, watch a movie, eat something good for you. This can also be a great time to work with a therapist or coach to get clear about what you want on your own. Treat yourself with great kindness.
Taking space can be a very healthy thing for partners to do, even with some frequency. It is important to be compassionate, honest, and to act with high integrity in order to get through the time together. You can and will get through this time.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Your Life Is What You Make It

Image result for person longing

Your life is what you make it. Your present life is the result of all the choices you have made up until this moment. You are the only one responsible for where you are right now, for how your life looks, for how you are being treated by those around you and for the level of happiness or unhappiness present in your life. You and only you. If you want to change the quality of your life, if you want to change the quality of the relationships you have, you have to start by taking responsibility for everything. Yes, everything!

If you keep on doing the same things over and over again, you will get the same results, over and over again. Your life will change the moment you decide it is time to change, it’s that simple. It all starts with a thought, an idea and based on that the actions you will take will lead you in a different and new direction. Will lead you in the right direction.

I choose to be patient for I know life is a journey, not a destination.

I choose to forgive myself for all the mistakes I may have made in the past and to advance confidently in the direction of my dreams.

I choose to live a powerful and inspiring life.

I choose to express my gratitude and appreciation daily.

I choose to be happy, joyful and kind.

I choose to be an inspiration for all.

I choose to live a balanced life, for I know that balance is the key to a happy and successful life.

I choose to be content.

I choose to get up every time I go down and start all over again because I know that I CAN DO IT.

I choose to be opened in mind and spirit to what the world has to offer and embrace it all as it comes.

I choose to accept all the gifts life has to offer me.

I choose to allow events take their course without me trying to control everything.

I choose to be kind towards those people who like me and also those people who don’t.

I choose to always step out of my comfort zone, to stretch, to grow and to evolve.

I choose to take care of my health every single day for as long as I live.

I choose to help others grow and develop, knowing that, by doing so, I will grow with them.

I choose to always be true to myself.

I choose to always look at the bright side of life.

I choose to believe that everything I need, the universe will supply.

I choose to release all of my fears and doubts, knowing that they are all self-created, keeping me away from achieving great things.

I choose to grow and develop into a wonderful, beautiful and powerful human being.

I choose to listen to my heart and intuition, knowing that they will always guide me in the right direction.

I choose to step into the unknown, knowing that in the unknown lies my freedom, my opportunity for growth.

I choose to let go of the past, be confident about the future, and to always be present in the now.

I chose to share my unique gifts and talents with the world.

I choose to always do what I love, and love what I do.

I chose to be loving towards myself and the world around me.

I choose to believe in myself, knowing that I have incredible potential and I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

I choose to be free of the good intentions of others and to always live my life the way I feel is right for me.

I choose to have faith, knowing that things will always turn out for the best.

via : PurposeFairy